→!!!!NEW CLASS!!!!←
with Carla Araos
12:15 - 13:15
This yoga class is for when you need a boost of energy, it will challenge, strengthen, stretch, and revitalise you!
This class takes form using the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. We will move through a series of poses to refresh, reset, and rejuvenate your mind and body so you are ready to continue your day with more clarity, focus, body, and mental space. This is the perfect yoga class to take when you need a break!
This is an open-level class. Basic yoga experience is recommended.
Level: Open
Carla teaches in English

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Carla Araos
18:30 - 20:00
This class takes form using the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. Starting from this solid foundation, using the breath, the gaze, and both the outward and internal postures of the body, we will explore different asanas safely and progressively following the principles of vinyasa. This practice will help to purify the body, nervous system, and mind. It will make space to build and create balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, breathing capacity, and mental focus, while relieving stress. Most importantly, we will use the practice as a method to go deeper within ourselves, seeking love, kindness and acceptance. This class is suitable for beginner yoga practitioners. It may include some simple inversions, arm balances, and backbends.

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Sabrina Cerea
18:15 - 19:30
During the Vinyasa Flow practice, you will learn how to move fast and slow through different asana positions using your breath as a guide. You will create an order and a connection between the mind, body, and breath. We will explore our body as a mirror that shows our mental tendency in daily life. Every position will be meticulously explained so that you can be guided in your journey of growth.

with Rebecca Wölfli
20:00 - 21:00
A Yin Yang class blends two complementary styles of yoga to create balance in the body and mind. The class begins with Yang yoga, featuring active, heat-building movements like sun salutations and standing poses that energize and strengthen the body. It then transitions into Yin yoga, where longer-held, passive stretches target deeper connective tissues, promoting flexibility and relaxation, encouraging relaxation, flexibility, and inner stillness, often holding poses for 3-5 minutes. Throughout the class, mindfulness and breathwork are emphasized, helping participants find harmony between effort and relaxation. This combination of dynamic and meditative practices leaves you feeling both revitalized and calm, making it suitable for all levels.

with Carla Araos
17:30 - 18:30
The practice is carefully tailored for your time as a mother-to-be. The intention is to support your pregnancy, preparing you for giving birth, to accept the natural changes, to trust, be confident and have resilience. In this class, we will be focusing on conscious breathing, stretching, strengthening the back and legs, releasing tension and relaxing. Prenatal yoga gives expecting mothers different tools which they can access when they need them the most.

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Carla Araos
18:45 - 20:15
This class takes form using the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. Starting from this solid foundation, using the breath, the gaze, and both the outward and internal postures of the body, we will explore different asanas safely and progressively following the principles of vinyasa. This practice will help to purify the body, nervous system, and mind. It will make space to build and create balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, breathing capacity, and mental focus, while relieving stress. Most importantly, we will use the practice as a method to go deeper within ourselves, seeking love, kindness and acceptance. This class is suitable for beginner yoga practitioners. It may include some simple inversions, arm balances, and backbends.

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Nicola Walter
18:00 - 19:30
Nicola teaches in German and English (if requested).
Jede Klasse schafft eine bewusste Verbindung zwischen Körper und Geist, beginnend mit dem Fokus auf den Atem als lebensspendende Energie. Yin Yoga ist eine sanfte und tiefgreifende Praxis, die den Körper durch das längere Halten von Asanas in eine umfassende Entspannung führt. Dabei werden das Fasziengewebe und die Meridiane gezielt angesprochen. Diese Praxis fördert den Energiefluss im Körper und schafft ein harmonisches Gleichgewicht, innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit. Gleichzeitig erinnert sie dich an die Weisheit deines Körpers und seine enge Verbindung zu den Elementen der Natur. Während du in den Posen verweilst, hast du die Möglichkeit, Verspannungen loszulassen und in eine tiefe Selbstwahrnehmung einzutauchen. Du wirst darin bestärkt deinem Körper und deiner eigenen Intuition zu vertrauen.
Each class creates a conscious connection between body and mind, starting with a focus on the breath as life-giving energy. Yin Yoga is a gentle yet profound practice that guides the body into deep relaxation through the extended holding of asanas. This practice specifically targets the fascia and meridians, promoting the flow of energy in the body and fostering a harmonious balance, inner peace, and tranquility. At the same time, it reminds you of the wisdom of your body and its close connection to the elements of nature. As you settle into the poses, you have the opportunity to release tension and dive into deeper self-awareness. You are encouraged to trust your body and your own intuition.

with Sarah Mai
20:00 - 21:30
Sarah emphasises practicing mindfully and listening to the body’s intuitive feedback. In her classes, she always refers back to an awareness of the breath. Yoga shall not merely ground and strengthen, but support us to find a peaceful path to our inner essence. She shares her philosophical understanding of yoga with her students, inviting them to lead their awareness from the mind into the space of the heart and to reside in that space.

with Carla Araos
10:45 - 11:45
→ SEE MORE POSTNATAL DATES ← The key for postnatal recovery is consistency, but we understand that planning with small babies is not always easy, so it is possible to book each session separately.
The Postnatal class is in a smaller setting than a regular class, it is a semi-private group with a maximum of 9 participants. In this way, mums and babies have space to be comfortable and mums get a more personalised class that focuses on effective alignment and adjustments to ease their postnatal recovery.
Postnatal Yoga offers support on a physical level, helping your body to recover and regain strength after birth in the pelvic floor region, abdominal wall and back. It helps to release the neck, shoulders and upper back. On a mental level, postnatal yoga helps you to relax and feel more grounded. Group classes also provide an opportunity to meet other mums and create a community.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STUDIO ACCESS IS NOT SUITABLE FOR LARGE PUSHCHAIRS (there is a narrow staircase and no lift. However, if you have a smaller stroller or collapsable one, this can easily be brought inside).

with Carla Araos
12:15 - 13:15
This yoga class is for when you need a boost of energy, it will challenge, strengthen, stretch, and revitalise you!
This class takes form using the Ashtanga Vinyasa method. We will move through a series of poses to refresh, reset, and rejuvenate your mind and body so you are ready to continue your day with more clarity, focus, body, and mental space. This is the perfect yoga class to take when you need a break!
This is an open-level class. Basic yoga experience is recommended.
Level: Open
Carla teaches in English

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Carla Araos
09:15 - 10:15
The practice is carefully tailored for your time as a mother-to-be. The intention is to support your pregnancy, preparing you for giving birth, to accept the natural changes, to trust, be confident and have resilience. In this class, we will be focusing on conscious breathing, stretching, strengthening the back and legs, releasing tension and relaxing. Prenatal yoga gives expecting mothers different tools which they can access when they need them the most.

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
with Carla Araos
10:30 - 12:00
Taking elements form the Ashtanga Vinyasa method, using the breath, the gaze, and both the outward and internal postures of the body, we will move energetically through this practice where the breath, and transitions between poses are the primary focus. This practice will improve your mental focus and encourages you to stay in the moment and will allow you to gain total body awareness and correct imbalances by yourself while developing the muscles and core strength to support a healthy posture. You will leave the studio ready for a brand-new day and a beautiful weekend ahead.

This class is recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
The classes taught by Carla Araos and marked in the schedule are recognised by the health insurance, so you may be eligible receive part of the cost back from your insurer (Krankenkasse Annerkant).*
Please note the following information:
– For prenatal classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Prenatal Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass or 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For regular group classes, it must be booked with the 10 x Regular Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
– For Semi-Private classes, it must be booked with the 5 x Semi-Private Classes – Insurance Recognised Pass.
These passes are specific for Carla Araos Yoga and are necessary for the class to be recognised by the health insurance company.
Classes paid for by a single product (Yoga 75/90/120 minutes/Prenatal60 minutes) are generally NOT accepted by the health insurance (Krankenkasse / Zusatzversicherung), even when instructed by a health insurance recognised teacher (Carla Araos).
Classes taught by other teachers at Ljus Studio are NOT recognised by the health insurance.
*Contributions vary between health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company for more information about your specific policy. If you require the form to claim part of the cost from your insurance, please ask Carla to give you the official document. The invoice given through Eversports is not valid for this purpose.
For more information, please get in touch.
Ljus Studio
Nordstrasse 195 8037 Zürich
Terms & Conditions
©2024 Ljus Studio Zürich